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Resolve a Complaint with Policies or Services

How to resolve a complaint concerning the policies or services provided by a First Nations Police Service in Alberta

First Nations Police Officers (Police Act of Alberta) | Complaint and Appeal Process

1.) Complaint Procedure

Address complaint to either the Public Complaint Director of the First Nation Police Commission or to the Chief of Police of the First Nation police service. See below for contact information.  The complaint may be submitted where a complaint is about the policies of or services provided by a First Nation police service.

2.) Provide details

Your complaint should be in writing, and must contain the reasons for your complaint, and the details of the incident involved.

3.) Informal resolution and mediation

Prior to conducting a formal investigation, the police service may attempt to resolve the matter informally with the consent of you and any officers involved.

4.) Review of complaint

  • Complaints submitted to the Public Complaint Director:
    Upon receipt of your complaint, the Public Complaint Director will forward it to the Chief of Police who will review the matter, and take whatever action considered necessary, or refer the matter to the First Nations Police Commission for further action considered appropriate.
  • Complaints submitted to the Chief of Police:
    Upon receipt of your complaint, the Chief of Police will review the matter, and take whatever action considered necessary, or refer the matter to the First Nations Police Commission for further action considered appropriate.

You will be notified, in writing, every 45 days as to the progress of your complaint. Upon final resolution of the matter by the Chief of Police or the Police Commission, the Chief of Police shall advise you, in writing, of the disposition of the complaint.

Appeal Procedure

1. First Nations Police Commission

If you are not satisfied with the decision of the Chief of Police, you may appeal the decision to the First Nations Police Commission within 30 days from the day you were advised of the disposition of the complaint. Submit your appeal, in writing, stating the points in the findings with which you disagree and the reasons why.

2. Appeal Review

First Nation Police Commissions are public bodies with a governance role in the oversight of the First Nation police services. The First Nation Police Commission will review the matter and, if necessary, conduct a hearing into the matter being appealed. See below for contact information.

3. Commission’s Decision

After completing its review, the First Nation Police Commission shall advise the complainant in writing as to the disposition of the appeal.

Contact Information

Chief of Police
Lakeshore Regional Police Service
Box 291
Driftpile, AB T0G 0V0

Public Complaint Director/Chair
Lakeshore Regional Police Service Police Commission
Box 291
Driftpile, AB T0G 0V0

Contact Info

Lakeshore Regional Police Service
Box 291, Driftpile, Alberta, T0G 0V0